Jesus: « Wisdom – calm – discernment » for everyone, whether one is simply President of oneself or has greater responsibilities, including for one’s country

Mont Saint Clair in Sète in France, near the chapel of Notre Dame de la Salette

En français :

Jésus : « Sagesse – calme – discernement » pour chacun, que l’on soit Président simplement de soi-même ou que l’on ait des responsabilités plus grandes, y compris pour son pays

C’est ensemble que nous gagnerons avec Dieu !

Hélène M

En español :

Jesús: « Sabiduría – calma – discernimiento »para todos, ya sea que uno sea simplemente Presidente de sí mismo o tenga mayores responsabilidades incluso para su país.

Juntos ganaremos con Dios

Hélène M

Jesus : “You, My precious followers, will form the remnant church on earth and will be led by

those brave sacred servants who will recognise the False Prophet for what he is.

Do not fear as I am bestowing graces of wisdom, calm and discernment on each of

you who ask me to do with this prayer:

“O Jesus help me to see the truth of your Holy Word at all times

and remain loyal to your teachings no matter how much I am forced to reject


Those Words of Jesus Christ come of The Book of Truth:

379. The time for the schism in the Church is almost here and you

must get prepared now

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012, 21:20

My dearly beloved daughter I wish to embrace all of My disciples and followers

everywhere in My arms at this moment.

I need your comfort children.

I need your consolation in My suffering as I cry tears for My church on earth. 395

The Book of Truth

So far removed have some of My sacred servants become, that many do not

believe in My Second Coming.

Those priests, bishops and cardinals who do believe are being pushed aside and

forced to keep silent.

How I weep for these poor precious disciples of Mine who have pledged their lives to

Me and to the spreading of My teachings to humanity.

Soon they will have to watch what they say about My Holy Word for they will be

forced to proclaim the teachings of a liar whose soul does not come from the light.

Unite My children, My beloved priests and all those who love Me now and help Me to

save souls.

To do this you must not waste one moment. You must tell others of the great glory

that lies ahead for each and every one of you at My Second Coming.

This great and glorious event will be the moment when you will finally unite with Me,

your precious Jesus, who loves you all so much.

You, My beloved followers must remain on your guard at all times.

You will be tempted to forsake Me, to denounce My true teachings and be

forced to honour and obey the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

So many poor souls will not only fall under the spell of the False Pope – the False

Prophet foretold so long ago – but he will have you believe that he has divine


Children the time for the schism in the Church is almost here and you must get

prepared now.

Join together as one.

Hold onto each other.

Protect each other and pray for those who will follow the wrong path and pay

homage to the False Prophet.

Much prayer is needed but if you do as I tell you, you can save souls.

You, My precious followers, will form the remnant church on earth and will be led by

those brave sacred servants who will recognise the False Prophet for what he is.

Do not fear as I am bestowing graces of wisdom, calm and discernment on each of

you who ask me to do with this prayer:

“O Jesus help me to see the truth of your Holy Word at all times

and remain loyal to your teachings no matter how much I am forced to reject


The Book of Truth

Stand up now and be brave all of you for I will never forsake you.

I will walk with you the thorny road and lead you safely to the gates of the New


All you have to do is trust in Me completely.

Your Beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ

151. Pray for the souls of those facing damnation who will not

survive The Warning

Thursday 28 July 15.30

My daughter the spiritual dryness you have been going through over the past few

days when you found it impossible to pray was The Deceiver trying to pull you away

from Me.

Now that you have given your final pledge to become a victim soul to My Eternal

Father to help Me save souls you will now be offered extra protection to prevent The

Deceiver from distracting you.

The time now has come for a great amount of prayer in this your final chance,

Children, to help save those souls who will not survive The Warning. Please heed MY

call to pray hard for those poor lost children during the month of August designated

Salvation of Souls month.

Spread the word to prayer groups everywhere to follow My instruction for daily Mass,

daily Eucharist and one day’s fasting a week for the entire month. Do not

underestimate the power that your prayers will have when it comes to saving souls.

Start by praying for those members of your own family who are in sin or who are non-

believers. They include close friends and acquaintances who have turned their back

on My teachings willingly and who inflict injustice on others. They need your prayers


The Book of Truth

Now is the time for quiet reflection as the day for The Warning draws nearer. Silent,

uninterrupted prayer and devotion is called for and I command that My sacred

servants everywhere lead My children to pray for the souls of those facing

damnation. Only prayer can help them now especially the recital of My Divine Mercy


Unite in love for Me.

Your beloved Saviour Jesus Christ

Song : « Le déserteur »

Link :

deserter: time to go to the desert

Who went to the desert for 40 days and 40 nights just before his public life?

Jesus: « Stand aside and rest a little »

The archangel St. Michael and Jesus Christ invited us to look around us, without judging people (but we can discern, with the help of the Holy Spirit, what behaviors would be desirable to choose several possibilities), observe including the Commandments of God.

Jesus Christ to Gisella Cardia on July 24, 2021:

My daughter and sister, thank you for being here in prayer, look around you at how many habits taken at your apparitions, they do not realize and do not kneel because they do not feel that I am there. Many will not recognize me even when I come back. My Daughter, I can no longer accept the tears of my Mother who has been invited to accompany you and show you the way to salvation.

Many people are prisoners of their humanity, and that is why the Holy Spirit who has been invited will not be able to act in their hearts because these hearts are closed.

My Daughter prayer must be a gentle, intimate communication with me and my Blessed Mother, made in such a way that the Holy Spirit can transform your hearts otherwise you will not be able to bear what will happen, I ask you for unity, fraternity, humility and love among yourselves, without this and this is little you will be blind leading other blind people,  do not be hypocrites, but put heart into prayer and above all trust and entrust yourself to Me.

Humanity has become too humanized and the heart only serves to beat and move forward, this is why I tell you: do not be whitened tombs but make your spirituality grow. My children, pray for the Holy Priests, for they are the ones who will console you in times of necessity, pray for the children so that they may grow in greater protection. Now I bless you in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit, amen.

We can observe and take stock, praying beforehand that God will help us to be and act according to His will.

Prepare to, not to go to war, but to fight spiritually.

« Do not kill my children » message from God the Father to Brother and Father Michel Rodrigue

Think of praying for the souls of our deceased, friends and family members and other deceased families, that God will help them to go up one or more notches to Paradise and, possibly, dare to ask them to pray for us, for example, so that there will be decisions made that are in accordance with God’s Will and that we will be exempted from the time of refuge and the three days of darkness.

But who is a good apostle of whom?

Why wars?

I noticed in the Old Testament that God sent calamities upon the people who turned away from Him.

In the book of Kings, some kings did the will of Yahweh, God the Father, others did not.

This is what Josiah, King who lived in Jerusalem, said after he was read the book of God’s Commandments,

found in the Temple (equivalent to a cathedral, such as, for example, Notre Dame de Paris) under construction:

2 Kings 22 13:

13 « Go and consult the Lord for me, for the people, and for all Judah about the words of this book that has just been found. The Lord’s fury is great: it has ignited against us because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book and have not practiced everything in it. »

God’s Answers to Josiah:

2 Kings 16 to 29:

16 « Thus saith the Lord: I am going to bring misfortune to this place and to its inhabitants, thus fulfilling all the words of the book that the king of Judah has read.

17 Because they have forsaken me and burned incense for other gods, in order to provoke my indignation by all the works of their hands, my fury has ignited against this place and will not be extinguished again! »

18 But to the king of Judah who sent you to consult the Lord, you will say, « Thus speaks the Lord, God of Israel: You have heard these words:

19 since your heart was softened and you humbled yourself before the Lord, when you heard what I said against this place and its inhabitants so that they might become devastation and curse, since you tore your clothes and wept before me, well, I too heard – oracle of the Lord.

20 Because of this, I will reunite you with your fathers; you will be brought back in peace to their tombs; your eyes will see nothing of all the misfortune that I bring to this place. » Helcias and his companions reported the answer to the king. »

Next: 2 Kings 23 1 to 3:

01  »  The king had all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem summoned to him.

02 He ascended to the house of the Lord with all the people of Judah, all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the priests and prophets, and all the people, from the smallest to the greatest. He read before them all the words of the book of the Covenant found in the house of the Lord.

03 Standing on the platform, the king concludes the Covenant in the presence of the Lord. He pledged to follow the Lord by keeping His commandments, edicts, and decrees with all his heart and soul, thus fulfilling the words of the Covenant inscribed in this book. And all the people committed themselves to the Covenant. »

« Let him who has ears to hear hear. » Matthew 11:15

418. Holy Spirit will descend this Sunday. The second outpouring

by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, May 4th, 2012, 21:05

Crusade Prayer (51): For the Gift of the Holy Spirit

Oh come Holy Spirit

Pour Your Gift of Love, Wisdom and Knowledge

Over my humble soul

Fill me with the Light of Truth

The Book of Truth

so that I can discern the truth of God

from the lies spread by Satan and his angels

Help me to grasp the torch and spread

The flame of understanding to all those I meet

through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.

So that I can discern God’s truth

Lies propagated by Satan and his angels. Help me grab the torch and spread

The flame of understanding to everyone I meet.

Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Go into peace, love and light.

Pause and allow My Holy Spirit to descend upon you. I love you.

Your Precious Jesus

My New Kingdom: You will be filled in great abundance and will not need

You’re welcome

429. My New Kingdom: You will be lavished with great abundance

and will want for nothing

Sunday, May 13th, 2012, 16:00

My dearly beloved daughter it is time to understand that My messages are not to

bring fear.

They are to bring love. They are also being used to tell those who commit sin or

wrongdoing that they must redeem themselves in My Eyes, or be lost to Me forever.

How could I not tell humanity the Truth?

I realise that you, My daughter, feel a burden from time to time as the recipient of

these Divine Messages. You must never allow fear to enter your heart for it does not

come from Me.

Have I not told you that there is a wonderful New Era of Peace ahead for all

those who love Me?

What is there to fear?

Is it worry over your future, your family or not knowing what lies ahead? If so then you

must know this.

I love you all. I want all of God’s children to unite as one Holy Family, together in


This is why I am communicating now, in plenty of time, to draw you all closer

to Me.

To ensure that you will all turn and open your hearts to the love that I have for every

single soul on this earth, I must warn humanity of the dangers they face.

If I did not love you, as I do, I would not warn you.

My Love is so powerful that it is a love unknown to any human being, for not one of

you could have the capacity to feel the Love that I hold for you.

My Love means that I do not want God’s children to suffer.

I will take all of you, who will see the Truth after The Warning, and show you

the Love I have.

You and all of those who belong to Me in mind, body and soul will be given the most

exquisite gift, beyond your comprehension.

The New Paradise awaits you and the earth, that you may think you will pine

for, will mean nothing when you see the Kingdom that has been prepared.

My children, there is much to look forward to. Fear is unnecessary.

Instead consider that you will be given eternal life.

The Book of Truth

You will be lavished with great abundance and will want for nothing.

The colours, the scents, the love you will feel for all those around you, the

peace within your families, lack of fear, your souls full of the love of God and

your perfect bodies – how could you not desire My Kingdom?

My Kingdom will become your new home when Heaven and earth will merge as one

and the dead, who accepted Me as their Saviour, will be resurrected to join with their

families, their brothers and sisters in love and happiness.

The relief you will feel when the world of sin, in which you live now, is no

longer there will bring joy, calm and contentment.

No more worries, fears, anxieties or sin.

You will still have free will but it will be different. You will be living in complete

union with Me, according to the Holy Divine Will of My Father. He has waited

patiently for this moment.

I am patiently preparing all of God’s children so that not one soul is lost.

So, My dearest daughter, fear not.

Suffering will not last long. In its place will be the home to which each child of God


That is My promise to all of you. Do not feel sad, frightened or worried for it is

completely unnecessary.

Just learn to love Me more. The more you love Me the more you will trust in Me.

Only then will fear leave you.

Only then will you truly be free.

I love all of you. Never forget this, especially when you may be worried about the


Your Beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ

Thanks !

3 réflexions sur “Jesus: « Wisdom – calm – discernment » for everyone, whether one is simply President of oneself or has greater responsibilities, including for one’s country

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